Fallout new vegas steam mods mod manager
Fallout new vegas steam mods mod manager

fallout new vegas steam mods mod manager

This will not effect download/game performance, and the downloads can be deleted after the mods have been installed. If you have MO2 installed on an SSD or a HDD with little space, you can check the Show advanced options box and change the Downloads file path to a different drive with more space.

  • On the next page, keep the Location file path default.
  • On the next page, select Create a global instance.
  • You will be prompted with a pop-up called Creating an instance, in which you should just select Next.
  • Just about all mods have instructions in the descriptsions as well as a readme.txt in it which should be enough to explain everything (which you should look at it anyway regardless of your experience since there might be compatibility issues).
  • Just to give you an example though let's use Weapon Mods Expanded.
  • Download the mod labelled under the "Main Files" section in the Files tab.
  • Vortex mods more than just Bethesda Games.
  • Once you've downloaded, open up the RAR and you should see four files meshes, textures, WeaponModsExpanded.esp and the readme.
  • Vortex is made by the same guy that made Mod Organizer. Vortex has Loot built in which is essential for modding and makes it so much easier for a new modder. Vortex has come a long long way since it's Alpha and Beta days. Vortex is now a very powerful mod manager. Tick the box next to the WeaponModsExpanded.esp in the list.Open up the Fallout New Vegas launcher and click on "Data Files" in the menu.Extract all the files (except for the readme) into your FNV folder (C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data).

    fallout new vegas steam mods mod manager

    It might vary from mod to mod but just about every mod follows these steps. Connect the USB Stick to steam deck, open up install folder > Game Folder Files, copy these files into your Steam Deck Fallout New Vegas folder (usually found in /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas), overwrite when it asks.esp file which is essentially a script.Īs for recommended ones, I'll have to get back to you on that.

    fallout new vegas steam mods mod manager

    One mod I would recommend is FOOK, which fixes a bunch of bugs, balance issues and other things while keeping it lore friendly. Now copy the contents of the install folder into the MO2 folder on steam deck, that will be in /home/deck/.config/modorganiser2/instances/newvegas/modorganiser2/ and overwrite when it asks. In Fallout Mod Manager, open the ‘Package Manager’ using the button to the right hand side of the window. As a fan of the original games I feel like this really adds a lot.

    fallout new vegas steam mods mod manager

    Primary Needs HUD is handy if you're playing hardcore.Thing is, it requires the Fallout Mod Manager so get that first (check the description for installation instructions.) The new window will have a button labelled ‘Add FOMod’. It's really a matter of personal tastes really. I use a lot of texture mods but really you should simply scan down the Top 100 mods and pick whatever tickles your fancy.

    Fallout new vegas steam mods mod manager